Publikationen Ulrich Ermler

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Gehl, M.; Demmer, U.; Ermler, U.; Shima, S.: Mutational and structural studies of (βα)8-barrel fold methylene-tetrahydropterin reductases utilizing a common catalytic mechanism. Protein Science 33 (6), e5018 (2024)
Aziz, I.; Kayastha, K.; Kaltwasser, S.; Vonck, J.; Welsch, S.; Murphy, B. J.; Kahnt, J.; Wu, D.; Wagner, T.; Shima, S. et al.; Ermler, U.: Structural and mechanistic basis of the central energy-converting methyltransferase complex of methanogenesis. PNAS 121 (14), e2315568121 (2024)
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