Publikationen von Hartwig Spors

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Bhattacharjee, A. S.; Konakamchi, S.; Turaev, D.; Vincis, R.; Nunes, D.; Dingankar, A. A.; Spors, H.; Carleton, A.; Kuner, T.; Abraham, N. M.: Similarity and Strength of Glomerular Odor Representations Define a Neural Metric of Sniff-Invariant Discrimination Time. Cell Reports 28 (11), S. 2966 - 2978 (2019)
Künsting, T.; Spors, H.: Dynamics of Input Patterns Modulate the Behavior of a Model of Olfactory Bulb Function. Journal of Neurophysiology 102 (1), S. 100 - 109 (2009)
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