Welcome to the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics!

Welcome to the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics!

The Max Planck Institute of Biophysics focuses on investigating the structure and function of proteins that are embedded in cellular membranes. Membrane proteins functioning as channels, transporters, or molecular sensors mediate the exchange of matter and information between cells and their environment.
Science for all

Science for all

At our Night of Science, we offered a diverse program to showcase our institute and our research. Scientists presented exciting and engaging hands-on experiments, and visitors could test their knowledge in “The Great Biophysics Quiz”. Guided tours of our electron microscope facility and talks provided insights into our methods and the latest research projects!
Eugene Kim Is Awarded Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize

Eugene Kim Is Awarded Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize

Congratulations to our Research Group Leader Eugene Kim! The German Research Foundation (DFG) honors her research on genome packaging with one of the most important distinctions for early-career researchers in Germany.
Science Community Joins Forces: Frankfurt Stands Up for Democracy

Science Community Joins Forces: Frankfurt Stands Up for Democracy

On February 5, 2024, we participated in the “Frankfurt Stands Up for Democracy” demonstration, standing alongside nearly 20,000 participants representing over 100 institutions, organizations, and companies across the Frankfurt region.
Frankfurt Alliance Strengthens the Rhine-Main Science Hub

Frankfurt Alliance Strengthens the Rhine-Main Science Hub

The Max Planck Institute of Biophysics is part of the new science network Frankfurt Alliance together with 15 other research institutions in the Rhine-Main metropolitan area
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Research Groups
Publications in 2021
High-end Instruments

Latest Publications

Lizarrondo, J.; Wilfling, F.: Selective autophagy of macromolecular complexes: what does it take to be taken? Journal of Molecular Biology 436, 168574 (2024)
Wilfling, F.; Graef, M.: Molecular Mechanisms and Physiological Functions of Autophagy. Journal of Molecular Biology 436, 168692 (2024)
Dubach, V. R. A.; San Segundo-Acosta, P.; Murphy, B. J.: Structural and mechanistic insights into Streptococcus pneumoniae NADPH oxidase. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology (2024)
Nüesch, M. F.; Pietrek, L.; Holmstrom, E. D.; Nettels, D.; von Roten, V.; Kronenberg-Tenga, R.; Medalia, O.; Hummer, G.; Schuler, B.: Nanosecond chain dynamics of single-stranded nucleic acids. Nature Communications 15 (1), 6010 (2024)
Schneider, S.; Kühlbrandt, W.; Yildiz, Ö.: Complementary structures of the yeast phosphate transporter Pho90 provide insights into its transport mechanism. Structure 32 (7), pp. 979 - 988.e4 (2024)
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Our Research 

Ernst Bamberg – The Functional Analysis of Electrogenic Membrane Proteins
We focus on the molecular mechanism of rhodopsin-like ion pumps and channels, and on their optogenetic applications.
Martin Beck – Molecular Sociology
How do molecular modules act in concert to generate complex cellular functions?
Ulrich Ermler – Enzyme Mechanism
We are focused on the enzyme structure-based analysis of challenging biochemical processes in anaerobic biomass degradation.
Gerhard Hummer – Theoretical Biophysics
Our goal is to develop detailed and quantitative descriptions of key biomolecular processes, including energy conversion, molecular transport, signal transduction, and enzymatic catalysis.
Eugene Kim – Structure and Dynamics of Chromosomes
What are the universal principles that underlie chromosome organization across all forms of life?
Werner Kühlbrandt – Structural Biology
How can we make the most of cryo-electron microscopy for determining the structure and function of membrane protein complexes?
Melanie McDowell – Membrane Protein Biogenesis
What molecular mechanisms control the delivery and correct insertion of membrane proteins at the endoplasmic reticulum?
Hartmut Michel – Molecular Membrane Biology
How to generate and use structural information to investigate function and mechanisms of membrane protein complexes?
Bonnie Murphy – Redox and Metalloproteins
Understanding mechanism through structure
Beata Turoňová – Image Processing
Our software method development focuses on improving tomogram quality and integrating contextual information into subtomogram averaging routines.
Sonja Welsch – Electron Microscopy
Our state-of-the-art equipment, and technical and scientific user support allow for novel insights into biological structures and molecular mechanisms.
Florian Wilfling - Mechanisms of Cellular Quality Control
How is cargo selected and packed into autophagosomes?

Scientific Facilites

Sonja Welsch – Electron Microscopy
Our state-of-the-art equipment, and technical and scientific user support allow for novel insights into biological structures and molecular mechanisms.
Stephan Junek – Imaging
Our state-of-the-art light microscopes and photomanipulation setups, as well as our training offers and user support, enable advanced imaging for cutting-edge research.
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