Publications of Kamil Khafizov
All genres
Journal Article (6)
Journal Article
42 (W1), pp. W246 - W251 (2014)
AlignMe-a membrane protein sequence alignment web server. Nucleic Acids Research 2.
Journal Article
8 (3), e57731 (2013)
Alignment of Helical Membrane Protein Sequences Using AlignMe. PLoS One 3.
Journal Article
109 (44), pp. E3035 - E3045 (2012)
Investigation of the sodium binding sites in the betaine transporter BetP. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 4.
Journal Article
12 (8), pp. 804 - 810 (2011)
The role of trimerization in the osmoregulated betaine transporter BetP. EMBO Reports 5.
Journal Article
407 (3), pp. 368 - 381 (2011)
Structural Asymmetry in a Trimeric Na+/Betaine Symporter, BetP, from Corynebacterium glutamicum. Journal of Molecular Biology 6.
Journal Article
49 (50), pp. 10702 - 10713 (2010)
A Study of the Evolution of Inverted-Topology Repeats from LeuT-Fold Transporters Using AlignMe. Biochemistry Conference Paper (1)
Conference Paper
100 (3, Supplement 1), p. 132a - 132a (2011)
Computational and Experimental Studies of Substrate Binding, Conformational Change and Importance of the Trimeric State in the Glycine Betaine Transporter BetP. Biophysical Journal (Annual Meeting Abstracts)