International Projects

The Max Planck Institute of Biophysics receives funding from a range of internationally renowned foundations and agencies. These include the European Research Council (ERC), the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), and the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS). 

Below, you can explore a selection of projects and awards that are currently funded by these and other noted international agencies. The project topics range from molecular and cellular biophysics to the development of new technologies and methodologies that advance our understanding of complex biological systems.


Funding by European Research Council

By challenging Europe's brightest minds, the European research council (ERC) aims to foster groundbreaking scientific and technological discoveries. These innovations have the potential to create new industries, open emerging markets, and drive broader social changes that shape the future.

The MPI Biophysics currently hosts five ERC Grants:


Intrinsic Autophagy Receptors: Identity and Cellular Mechanisms
Investigator: Florian Wilfling
Term: 2022–2027  
Beyond Nucleocytoplasmic Transport – Nuclear Pores as Self-regulating Valves for Flux Across the Nuclear Envelope
Investigator: Martin Beck
Term: 2023–2028  
Development of Reconstructed Electron Energy Loss techniques for Elemental Mapping in macromolecular structures
Investigator: Bonnie Murphy
Project Period: 2023–2028  
Mechanism, Regulation and Functions of DNA Loop Extrusion by SMC Complexes
Investigator: Eugene Kim
Term: 2023–2028  
Membrane Micro-Compartments
Investigator: Martin Beck
Term: 2024–2025  


International Research Grants

Mechanisms of Mitochondrial Damage Control by PINK1 and Parkin
Coordinating Institution: University of California, Berkeley
Investigator: Gerhard Hummer
Term: 2020–2023  
Visual Proteomics Becomes Dynamic
Investigators: Martin Beck, Gerhard Hummer, Beata Turoňová
Term: 2021–2024  
Mechanistic understanding towards how progerin contributes to premature ageing
Investigator: Tzu-Jing Yang
Term: 2023 - 2025  
Investigator: Bonnie Murphy
Term: 2023 - 2027  
Awardee: Eugene Kim
Term: 2023  

Investigator: Eunyoung Jeong
Term: 2024  


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