Home Werner Kühlbrandt – Structural Biology Research Projects Research Overview Members Projects Publications Project Groups - Department of Structural Biology High-resolution cryoEM of soluble multi-protein complexes Research by Janet Vonck & Werner Kühlbrandt ATP synthases We have made significant progress towards fully elucidating this strictly conserved process, which is one of the most fundamental and ancient in biology. Respiratory chain complexes Project Group of Structural Biology Department CryoET of mitochondria CryoET makes it possible to not only examine mitochondrial membranes in molecular detail, but also whole mitochondria to study overall cristae organization and cristae junctions. Archaeal membrane protein complexes Archaea contain many unique protein assemblies and offer fascinating insights into an exotic, largely unknown macromolecular universe that we are exploring by cryoEM and cryoET. Membrane transporters, channels and enzymes Project Group of Structural Biology Department Bacterial pore-forming toxins Project Group of Structural Biology Department Equipment of Structural Biology Department < go back to other projects